Sunday, October 15, 2017

Manifest Destiny and War with Mexico by S. C.

In the 1840’s War between Mexico and the United States was a major conflict that eventually caused a great deal of suffering for many Mexicans, native Americans, and united states citizens. In the reading Sam Haynes explains the idea of “Manifest Destiny; the belief that Americans were destined by god to expand the countrys borders from sea to sea. President Polk played an important role as he believed in expansion. James F. Polk was determined to have Mexico by purchase if possible or by force if necessary. In the conversation with David M. Pletcher he states how Americans used the term, Manifest Destiny as a justification to own a territory they did not own. In the after math of the war by David j. Weber he explains how history may be valid but how we as readers and learners should be open minded and believe many truths create the past rather than believing a single truth.
Manifest destiny according to Sam was a factor to explain why United States went on board of expansion. From the viewpoint of an American there were many possibilities of greatness in economic growth yet they feared Britain. The purpose of the conversation with David M. Pletcher was to apprise us of the driving forces behind the US quest for Manifest Destiny. David also speaks in behalf of other nations views on the American belief. He gives details on what Mexicans feared and what the forces were behind U.S. opposition. In the conversation with Weber he clarifies the rationalization of both viewpoints that of Mexico as well as America. He explains the terrible lose Mexico went through after war and why the nation questioned where they went wrong. His purpose is to explain the miss understanding in regards to the war. While Americans benefited from the war Mexico lost rich potential (gold mines), agricultural and water resources. Webber explains how Americans incline to remember the fact that the war was fought on Mexican soil. After Mexico lost the war many Mexicans lost their property and some were forced to become U.S. citizens. The readings gave me a strong understanding that Americans wanted to seize their territory without reason.
One of our class resource was a painting that represents manifest destiny. It gives us a clear understanding of what was going on during that time period. In the middle of the painting there’s an angelic women that symbolizes growth. She carries the light of “civilization” with American settlers winding telegraph wire. I noticed that some of the land in the painting isn’t fully developed therefore signifying the coming of progress. Another source used in class that facilitated my understanding was the, “Arms to Arms” recruiting sign for volunteering soldiers. By reading that sign I was able to connect it to the reading of how troops were men, kids who were immigrants that weren’t well trained rather than just volunteers. Another source was the short video we saw in class that made me question who really started the war. The video is controversial to the reading because it clarifies how americans were the ones who started the war when the Mexican cavalry attacked a group of U.S. soldiers in the disputed place killing many.
To finalize I am left wondering if there were any Mexicans who fought on the side of the U.S.? When the war ended was there any rivalry going on with those who were forced to become citizens? In the reading it stated that some lost their property. Why? To close, the war between Americans and Mexicans was much more complex. It’s left for us to understand how this important event shaped the United States.